Saturday, July 2, 2011

Feel The Burn

There are few types of pain that I've experienced in this life that I can't power through... and then there is the type of aching numbness that takes over my body after I've started to work out again that rings my bell like nobody's business. Walking and running and swimming have been no problem today. Sitting down and getting back up have been a royal pain in my ass, though. And, speaking honestly, the most painful part of my day has been the process of sitting on the toilet for a pee and then getting up from the toilet. But that is neither here nor there. The point is that I'm only on my second day and I am feeling the pain. But not pain no gain....

Today I decided that I was going to just be as active as pos
sible. I was actually pacing at one point. The boyfriend and I went to my parents' house this afternoon and spent some time with my father and one of my best friends swimming and chatting. It was a very good time and, as most good times go, the time went by faster than noticed. That being said... I am now a lobster. And no I wasn't wearing any protection from the sun. Let's just call this a lesson learned in the absolute most uncomfortable way...
And this is another example of a kind of pain that reduces me to a sissy baby. Please keep in mind that this pinkness has now settled into a fine shade of red.

After my metamorphosis into a lobster the boyfriend and I returned to the apartment for dinner. Dinner consisted of soft tacos. It was tasty and I did manage to control myself which is a challenege when it comes to Mexican food. After dinner we waited an hour and then we did the dvd workout. It kicked our asses. I was hoping that it would work out some of my soreness, but it didn't. In fact, I'm dealing with a great deal of pain at the moment. It is what it is.

I will say, and I know this is a bit sinister of me, that I was glad to see the boyfriend struggling through the workout along with me. He totally underestimated it and about 5 minutes in he was looking at me like: "oh dear God!" It was great. I look forward to us both improving together.

Tomorrow I am going to take my very first Zumba class! I'm very excited about it, though I know it is going to be a struggle with this soreness in my legs. I am also going to mow mom and dad's lawn tomorrow.... and more dvd.

And, just on a fun note. The pup is asleep by my feet (on my penguin blanket, of course) and she is snoring like an old man. I can actually feel the floor under my feet vibrating with her breathing. Must be nice...

(Not our snoring pup Layla, by the way)

Edit: This is our snoring Layla...

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