I know I've neglected you and for that I am sorry. Truly. As most absences go, I have a reason/excuse. Work got totally crazy and overtook not only my life, but my entire existence.
If you've read the other blog then you know I recently had a procedure done on my left leg that doesn't allow me to be very active. However, because of the procedure and my condition... when I'm all healed up I have to be active. I plan on taking up running (God help me) and getting back to my dvds, etc.
I just really need to refocus on myself and my health. At the end of the day it will just be me and I'd like to be in a condition that will allow me to live to the absolute highest quality of life. So, as soon as my legs are done, there I go. Diet and everything is going to get a reboot, as well.
What I need to consider now is what my short and long term goals are going to be. I am really not worried about whether or not this will happen because, honestly, I know it will. This condition and the determination I feel as going to seriously drive me. There are other motivating factors that are coming into play, too. More about those on a later date.
I intend to update this blog in regards to all things health and fitness. Everything else will be handled on my other blog. I think keeping the two things separate will help me stay focused and concentrated.
I know I've said this before, but I mean it this go around.... Let's do this.
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